[Html-widget] Testing space before next cpan release

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 12:15:02 GMT 2006

On 31/10/06, Michael Gray <mjg17 at eng.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Michael Gray wrote:
> > I'm putting together my list extensions as HTML::Widget::Lists to add
> > support for <dl>, <ol> and <ul> lists and should be able to release that
> > real soon now.
> The candidate release is attached.  I'd be really grateful if someone
> could do a sanity check on this for me, before I CPAN it.  From the
> docs:
>        This package adds support for unordered, ordered and definition
>        lists to structure the contents of HTML::Widget forms.


Good so far!

I tried removing the use_ok()'s for HTML::Element and
HTML::Widget::Element::* and everything still works ok. Generally, you
shouldn't use_ok() anything the user needn't explicitly use, to make
sure you're testing whether the auto-loading works.

Now that H::W "supports" elements without names, I tried tweaking the
t/example.t so that the lists didn't have id's, but got lots of
warnings from NullContainer.pm
This seems to be a core issue, so I'll have a look at it.

I think it'd be good for UL/OL to also support a li() to allow more
than just an element to be stuffed into it. (see the FAQ section in
HTML/Widget.pm in svn for an example).
Likewise, maybe DL supporting DT and DD.


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