[Html-widget] Bug in HTML::Widget::Constraint::In

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 11:26:43 CEST 2006

On 17/10/06, Bernhard Graf <html-widget at augensalat.de> wrote:
> Patch attached.

Thanks, unfortunately the patch caused tests to fail, as they were
relying on $c->in returning the list of values, rather than $self.

Instead, I've deleted the in() subroutine, so it just uses the
inherited method from Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast. This returns
$self when used as a setter, and returns the values when used as a

> Another one: Empty fields are treated as error (this should be left to
> the All-constraint).

I've fixed this, though couldn't use your patch anymore, as I removed
the private methods _in() and _in_hash() when I made the above change.

It's in the repo as commit 5120.


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