[Html-widget] New dojo/ajax elements available for testing

Florian Ragwitz rafl at debian.org
Fri May 19 13:44:22 CEST 2006

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 12:08:34PM +0100, Carl Franks wrote:
> On 19/05/06, Florian Ragwitz <rafl at debian.org> wrote:
> > submited values are filled into the according input fields, except for
> > the AutoComplete element, which quite sucks because it forces the user
> > to input his value for the AutoComplete element after every submit which
> > resulted in a validation error.
> Thanks, that's fixed now in the svn repo.

Thank you.

Another issue I ran into was the behaviour of the dojo widget in setting
POST/GET params.

Assumed I have a widget with the name 'foo', then the 'foo' param will
contain the value the user has entered into the combobox and
'foo_selected' will contain the "id" of the selected value, if it was
selected from the possibilities provided by my dataUrl. This isn't very
handy, especially when using DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget, which uses

$dbic->set_column( $element_name, $result->param($element_name) );

and therefor uses the entered value and not its id, which is
inconsistent, considered that the H::W::E::Select would post the
selected id in the 'foo' param.

I thought of different workarounds for this problem, but all of them
seem to be quite hacky. I'd prefer if the dojo combobox would just
return the selected id. Is it possible to override that in
H::W::Dojo::Autocomplete? I'd like to avoid hacking dojo.


BOFH excuse #54:
Evil dogs hypnotised the night shift
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