[Html-widget] Patch to fix RadioGroup implicit In Constraint for value or label == 0
Ted Carnahan
ted at tedcarnahan.com
Wed May 17 18:57:44 CEST 2006
Turns out that Select has the same problem. The attached patch
incorporates the previous one - ignore it.
Ted Carnahan wrote:
> Includes a few tests. Enjoy!
> - Ted
>Index: lib/HTML/Widget/Element.pm
>--- lib/HTML/Widget/Element.pm (revision 31)
>+++ lib/HTML/Widget/Element.pm (working copy)
>@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
> sub mk_label {
> my ( $self, $w, $name, $comment, $errors ) = @_;
>- return undef unless $name;
>+ return undef unless defined $name;
> my $for = $self->attributes->{id} || $self->id($w);
> my $id = $for . '_label';
> my $e = HTML::Element->new( 'label', for => $for, id => $id );
>Index: lib/HTML/Widget/Element/RadioGroup.pm
>--- lib/HTML/Widget/Element/RadioGroup.pm (revision 31)
>+++ lib/HTML/Widget/Element/RadioGroup.pm (working copy)
>@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
> }
> my %seen;
>- my @uniq = grep { $seen{$_}++ == 0 ? $_ : 0 } @{ $self->values };
>+ my @uniq = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @{ $self->values };
> $w->constraint( 'In', $name )->in( @uniq )
> if @uniq;
>Index: t/element_radiogroup_implicit_in_constraint.t
>--- t/element_radiogroup_implicit_in_constraint.t (revision 31)
>+++ t/element_radiogroup_implicit_in_constraint.t (working copy)
>@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
>-use Test::More tests => 5;
>+use Test::More tests => 8;
> use_ok('HTML::Widget');
>@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
> my $w = HTML::Widget->new;
>-$w->element( 'RadioGroup', 'foo' )->values([ 1, 2 ]);
>+$w->element( 'RadioGroup', 'foo' )->values([ 0, 1, 2 ]);
> $w->element( 'RadioGroup', 'bar' )->values([ 3, 4 ]);
>@@ -17,13 +17,18 @@
> my $f = $w->process($query);
>+ my @constraints = $w->get_constraints;
>+ cmp_ok(scalar(@constraints), '==', 2, 'Two implicit IN constraints');
>+ cmp_ok(scalar(@{$constraints[0]->_in()}), '==', 3, 'Three keys for constraint 0');
>+ cmp_ok(scalar(@{$constraints[1]->_in()}), '==', 2, 'Two keys for constraint 1');
> ok( $f->valid('foo') );
> ok( ! $f->valid('bar') );
> ok( $f->has_errors( 'bar' ) );
> is( "$f", <<EOF, 'XML output is filled out form' );
>-<form id="widget" method="post"><fieldset><span><label for="widget_foo_1" id="widget_foo_1_label"><input checked="checked" class="radio" id="widget_foo_1" name="foo" type="radio" value="1" />1</label><label for="widget_foo_2" id="widget_foo_2_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_foo_2" name="foo" type="radio" value="2" />2</label></span><span><label for="widget_bar_1" id="widget_bar_1_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_bar_1" name="bar" type="radio" value="3" />3</label><label for="widget_bar_2" id="widget_bar_2_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_bar_2" name="bar" type="radio" value="4" />4</label></span><span class="error_messages" id="widget_bar_errors"><span class="in_errors" id="widget_bar_error_in">Invalid Input</span></span></fieldset></form>
>+<form id="widget" method="post"><fieldset><span><label for="widget_foo_1" id="widget_foo_1_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_foo_1" name="foo" type="radio" value="0" />0</label><label for="widget_foo_2" id="widget_foo_2_label"><input checked="checked" class="radio" id="widget_foo_2" name="foo" type="radio" value="1" />1</label><label for="widget_foo_3" id="widget_foo_3_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_foo_3" name="foo" type="radio" value="2" />2</label></span><span><label for="widget_bar_1" id="widget_bar_1_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_bar_1" name="bar" type="radio" value="3" />3</label><label for="widget_bar_2" id="widget_bar_2_label"><input class="radio" id="widget_bar_2" name="bar" type="radio" value="4" />4</label></span><span class="error_messages" id="widget_bar_errors"><span class="in_errors" id="widget_bar_error_in">Invalid Input</span></span></fieldset></form>
> }
>Html-widget mailing list
>Html-widget at lists.rawmode.org
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