<br>You can grab it from: <a href="http://dtmf.com/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.03007_01.tar.gz">http://dtmf.com/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.03007_01.tar.gz</a>, or CPAN if you have a really fast mirror. This will become 0.03008
within a day or so, barring anyone pointing out any stupid regressions from 0.03007, so please test this if you use Loader and care :)<br><br>Changes since 0.03007:<br clear="all"> - fix for <a href="http://rt.cpan.org">
rt.cpan.org</a> #21084 (dump_overwrite pathological output recursion)<br> - fix for <a href="http://rt.cpan.org">rt.cpan.org</a> #21758 (mysql reserved words as table names)<br> - fix for <a href="http://rt.cpan.org">
rt.cpan.org</a> #21025 (SQLite FK parsing)<br> - workaround for <a href="http://rt.cpan.org">rt.cpan.org</a> #21746 ($Class::Accessor::Fast::VERSION issues)<br><br>Thanks,<br>-- Brandon