[Dbix-class] SQL functions in WHERE clause
Lee Standen
nom at standen.id.au
Fri Apr 13 06:52:18 GMT 2007
Or, you could take the other tact, and argue that it should be something
which is handled on the Perl side...
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Patient')->search({
-and => [
first_name => { like => 'J%' },
birth_date => { '>' => time - 20 * SECONDS_IN_YEAR }
Yes, while it's POSSIBLE to do that in an SQL statement, I prefer to
think as DBIx::Class not as an SQL abstractor, but as a data object
extractor, which means anything that requires me to use SQL specific
commands is bad :)
I would ideally like to see DBIx::Class eventually have backend modules
for things like LDAP, CSV and other non-SQL storage types :)
Ivan Fomichev wrote:
> Hello, all!
> IMHO, one of the biggest omissions in SQL::Abstract, and as a result
> in DBIx::Class, is lack of possibility to use SQL functions in WHERE
> clauses. Let's admit, we have a table
> CREATE TABLE patients (
> id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> first_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
> last_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
> birth_date date default NULL,
> is_blocked tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> KEY last_name (last_name,first_name),
> KEY birth_date (birth_date),
> KEY is_blocked (is_blocked)
> I would like to search for patients who are born 20 years ago and
> whose first name begins with 'J'. Now it can be achieved only by the
> following construct:
> my $rs = $schema->resultset('Patient')->search(
> {
> -and => [
> first_name => { like => 'J%' },
> \'`birth_date` < NOW() - INTERVAL 20 YEAR',
> ],
> },
> );
> This is not quite convenient, 1) to use '-and', 2) to construct SQL by
> oneself, which may result in missing SQL code injections and affect
> security.
> How much is it worth to implement SQL functions inside WHERE clause
> natively?
> An appropriate syntax could be something like this (note scalarref):
> my $rs = $schema->resultset('Patient')->search(
> {
> first_name => { like => 'J%' },
> birth_date => { '<' => [ \'NOW() - INTERVAL ? YEAR' => 20 ] },
> },
> );
> Regards,
> Ivan
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