[Dbix-class] Using DBIx::Class with HTML::Template - anyone doing it?

Kevin Old kevinold at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 16:30:50 GMT 2006

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to use DBIx::Class with HTML::Template and I can't seem to
get it to work.

Here's how I'm calling DBIC and HTML::Template in my script:

my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new( filename => "single_stories.tmpl",
die_on_bad_params => 1);
my @stories = $schema->resultset('Stories')->search( { user_id => 1234 } )->all;

if ( $stories ) {
    $tmpl->param( stories => $stories );
    print $tmpl->output;

Here's my single_stories.tmpl:

<TMPL_IF NAME="stories">

<TMPL_LOOP NAME="stories">
 <TMPL_VAR NAME="story_id">


If I do this with my script, I'm able to get the data passed correctly
to HTML::Template:

if ($stories) {
    my @sts;
    while ( my $st = $stories->next ) {
        push @sts, { story_id => $st->story_id };
    $tmpl->param( stories => \@sts );
    print $tmpl->output;

Basically, I make an array of anonymous hashes with the data in it.

Anyway to do this with DBIC without having to cycle build the AoH?

Thanks for any help,
Kevin Old
kevinold at gmail.com

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