[Dbix-class] Anybody still interested in seeing a step-by-step tutorial written?

Mike Earley mike.earley at verizon.net
Thu Oct 5 00:25:28 CEST 2006

I'm willing to write it, but I'm a DBIC beginner myself and have lots of
questions.  Some are pretty basic, some are the what-were-they-thinking
types, but most are probably the same you'd get from most DBIC newbies.

I already have a start on a first lesson.  Two tables, one with a belongs_to
relation to the other, the other with a has_many relation back.  You can
cover a lot of the basics with this simple example.  I know, I've been
trying to reconcile what I read in the documentation with this very simple
schema and I'm not going to admit in a forum of my betters how long it took
me to just get to the point where I could add some data to the tables.


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