[Dbix-class] ENUM values from MySQL using the column_info()
Jess Robinson
castaway at desert-island.demon.co.uk
Fri May 12 15:34:06 CEST 2006
Ahh I see.. sorry, was a bit confused..
IMO it would be sane if the code retrieving the columns acted case
insensitivly, and maybe threw an error if it came across two fields that
are both the same when case is ignored.
On Fri, 12 May 2006, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> Now when you have $record->name in DBIC and 'NAME' in the database
> everything works all right except the 'column_info'.
> I don't really know how important is that issue - but I was asked to
> fix it when I wrote the 'column_info' accessor and I was critisized to
> not know what exactly to do with it.
> --
> Zbyszek
> On 5/12/06, Jess Robinson <castaway at desert-island.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 May 2006, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
>>> On 5/12/06, Carl Franks <fireartist at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As far as I know, DBIx::Class doesn't make any effort to try to be
>>>> case-insensitive, but if your database is, then DBIx::Class may appear
>>>> to be case-insensitive.
>>> I don't know how much conscious effor there is but if I have a table
>>> with two columns with names differing only by case:
>>> test=# select * from casecheck;
>>> id | name | NAME
>>> ----+------+------
>>> 1 | aaa | AAA
>>> (1 row)
>>> (this is Pg)
>>> and I define DBIC class columns with the same case:
>>> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id name NAME/);
>>> Then when I retrieve the record and print the values in it's columns:
>>> my $record = $schema->resultset( 'Casecheck' ) -> find ( 1 );
>>> print "record->name: ", $record->name, "\n";
>>> print "record->NAME: ", $record->NAME, "\n";
>>> I get:
>>> record->name: aaa
>>> record->NAME: aaa
>>> While I would expect the last line to be: record->NAME: AAA
>>> Summing up - the database is casesensitive, but in DBIC is not (in this case:).
>> No, that's DBIC throwing : SELECT me.name, me.NAME from Casecheck at your
>> database, and expecting it to do something sane. Apparently Pg doesnt,
>> you'd need to turn on quoting to get that to work..
>> DBIC's column name accessors ARE case sensitive, its just that Pg is
>> returning the contents of the "name" column both times.. try it on the
>> pgsql util?
>> To fix: $schema->storage->quote_char("'") .. or whatever Pg wants it to
>> be..
>> I cant see this being a huge problem, as who names their columns the same
>> but in different case anyway??
>> Jess
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> --
> Zbigniew Lukasiak
> http://brudnopis.blogspot.com/
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