[Dbix-class] infinite loop when calling accessors on a table with triggers
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 22:14:06 CEST 2006
Okay, I figured this out and want to record it
somewhere on the hope someone doesn't make the same
braindead error.
This has nothing to do with triggers, the problem
started when I added the trigger so I assumed that was
the issue.
Basically in the situation I outlined where I had a
self referential table and a row which was referring
to itself DBIx gets trapped in an infinite loop when
you try to call the related relation.
So the warning I have is don't do this :)
--- John Napiorkowski <jjn1056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm having a strange problem with a table that has
> some triggers on it. The issue is that when I try
> to
> fetch from the table via an accessor created by a
> 'has_many' relationship the system goes into an
> infinite loop.
> Here are the details.
> Table Documents
> document_id (primary_key)
> (etc)
> Table Folders
> folder_id (primary_key)
> document_id (primary_key)
> parent_id (FK to folder_id, a self referential FK)
> (etc)
> I have a trigger on table Folders to check during
> update or inserts to see if parent_id IS NULL, and
> if
> so to set it to the value of folder_id.
> I don't seem much in the documentation regarding
> triggers. I also have a local archive of the
> mailing
> list and could find anyone with similar trouble. So
> my question is: Is this a known problem? Have other
> people run into it? Or have other people gotten
> triggers with dbix working without trouble.
> Please let me know if I can provide more info to
> help
> with this problem.
> By the way way database is postgresql 8.1
> --john
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