[Dbix-class] Problem while inflating columns

Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior acid06 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 17:04:41 CEST 2006


I'm facing a very weird problem while trying to use auto-inflated
columns (with Catalyst).

The auto-inflating is setup as:

__PACKAGE__->inflate_column('update_time', {
    inflate => sub { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime(shift); },
    deflate => sub { DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime(shift); },

However, while sometimes I get a working DateTime object, sometimes I don't.
It's pretty weird.

I could provide more details if needed, but I don't know exactly what
to provide.
This simple code fails in one place:

my $request = MySupport::Model::Persistent::SupportRequest->find($id);
die unless ref($request->update_time); # fails

But works in another.
Pretty weird. Probably something stupid, but I didn't figure it out.

Thanks for any help.

-Nilson Santos F. Jr.

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