[Dbix-class] Calling SQL Server 2000 stored procedures using Catalyst and DBIx::Class
Hugh Lampert
hlampert at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 28 18:25:54 CEST 2006
> Hugh Lampert wrote:
> >/ Hello!
> />/
> />/ I'm working with a database that has an extensive stored procedure and
> />/ user defined function API.
> />/
> />/ I've looked over the Catalyst model and DBIx::Class documentation, and
> />/ while I've found some references to calling database functions that
> />/ purport to also apply to stored procedures, I don't really see how that
> />/ could be. Can anyone give me a snippet of sample Catalyst code I can
> />/ use to call a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure that takes a few
> />/ parameters and returns a result set? I would really appreciate being
> />/ able to keep the ORM and use the supplied stored procedures/UDF's.
> /
> It's been a long time since I did Squeal Swerver in depth; could you give us a
> sketch of how you'd go about doing it either with just SQL or with plain DBI?
Sure, here's a sample from the utility module I wrote to handle this problem using DBI.
(of course the relevant parts are where the database handles are defined, near the top):
# !C:\perl\bin
# LBBWComplianceDBIO.pm - module that handles low level DBIO functions.
package LBBWComplianceDBIO;
use strict;
use constant {TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0};
use DBI qw(:sql_types); # standard module for database access.
use Exporter ();
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
# file wide variables
our (%dbi);
# local variables
my ($connect);
# DBI Connection string
$connect = 'dbi:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;'.
'Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=LBBWCompliance;Data Source=NYSRV2K08';
# connect to database
$dbi{dbh} = DBI->connect($connect)
|| die "Could not connect with connection string '$connect'.\n";
$dbi{dbh}->{ado_commandtimeout} = 600; # turn off timeout
# DBI statement handles
$dbi{sthAddUser} = $dbi{dbh}->prepare(<<'ENDSQL');
EXEC usp_addUser @employeeID = ?,
@password = ?,
@roleCode = ?
$dbi{sthTest} = $dbi{dbh}->prepare(<<'ENDSQL');
# access subroutines/methods
# test - call test procedure
sub test {
my ($retval);
# execute the query - die if no results returned.
die sprintf("test: Could not execute query. Error: '%s'",$dbi{sthTest}->errstr)
unless $dbi{sthTest}->execute;
# get the query results
$retval = $dbi{sthTest}->fetchall_arrayref;
return $retval;
} # sub test
# addUser - add a new user to the Users table.
# parameters: $employeeID - The employeeID from HR.Usr_Employees
# $password - The (currently) plain text password.
# $role - the role of the new user ('admin' or 'user')
# returns: a hash reference. The referenced hash will contain the following
# elements:
# + wasSuccessful - If true, indicates the insert was done without error.
# + retval - will be undef for this subroutine.
# + messages - contains any messages
sub addUser {
my $employeeID = $_[0];
my $password = $_[1];
my $role = $_[2];
# local variables
my %retval = (wasSuccessful => 0, retval => undef, messages => []); # return value data structure
my ($status, $message);
#execute the query and check for errors.
if ($dbi{sthAddUser}->execute($employeeID, $password, $role)) {
($status, $message) = $dbi{sthAddUser}->fetchrow_array;
} # if ($dbi{sthAddUser}->execute($employeeID, $password))
# return the DBI error if one occurred
else {
push @{$retval{messages}}, sprintf "Error while adding a user: %s", $dbi{sthAddUser}->errstr;
return \%retval;
} # else of if ($dbi{sthAddUser}->execute($employeeID, $password))
# return the procedure status
$retval{wasSuccessful} = TRUE if $status eq 'S';
push @{$retval{messages}}, $message;
return \%retval;
} # sub addUser
# end of module
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