[Dbix-class] last insert id problem with Oracle
Jess Robinson
castaway at desert-island.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 09:00:18 CEST 2006
On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Anthony Lincoln wrote:
> package ccm::Model::CCMData::Issweb::CcmChange;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
> __PACKAGE__->table('ccm_change');
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id owner name prereq_id dependent description
> backout_plan visibility risk sys_criticality
> sys_affected qa_difficulty install_difficulty
> problem_visibility completed creator created/);
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
> __PACKAGE__->sequence('ccm_seq');
You have your id field as "id" there, yet your update_or_create has it as
"ID". We're storing things in hashrefs, where things are case-senstive,
and PK::Auto doesnt compare things lower-casedly.. So maybe thats your
> Matt S Trout wrote:
>> Anthony Lincoln wrote:
>>> Matt S Trout wrote:
>>>> Anthony Lincoln wrote:
>>>>> Nope, no luck. Autoincrement works fine with/without quoted $id, but I
>>>>> still get left with no $change->id. I just upgraded to DBI 1.51, so I'm
>>>>> pretty sure it's not a version issue.
>>>> Are you going to show us the rest of the code at some point? I mean, I could
>>>> use my psionic powers to magically figure out what's in your DBIC classes but
>>>> that's a commercial service only :)
>>> Fair enough. Here's the offending snippet, and let me know if you need
>>> more. Like I said, the insert and autoincrement works fine; it's just
>>> the id that isn't there. But I can view a list of items afterward,
>>> select the change I just made, and edit it no problem.
>> Y'know the best where I said "your DBIC classes" ?
>> That's because I want to see what's in the DBIC classes. Specifically the
>> class of which $change is a member.
>> The CREATE table for the table would also help.
>>> my $change = $model->update_or_create({
>>> ID => $id,
>>> owner => $user_id,
>>> name => $hash{name},
>>> prereq_id => $hash{prereq_id},
>>> dependent => $hash{dependent},
>>> description => $hash{description},
>>> backout_plan => $hash{backout_plan},
>>> visibility => $hash{visibility},
>>> risk => $hash{risk},
>>> sys_criticality => $hash{sys_criticality},
>>> sys_affected => $hash{sys_affected},
>>> qa_difficulty => $hash{qa_difficulty},
>>> install_difficulty => $hash{install_difficulty},
>>> problem_visibility => $hash{problem_visibility},
>>> completed => $hash{completed},
>>> creator => $creator,
>>> },{ key => 'primary' }
>>> );
>>> if ($change) {
>>> if (!$change->id) {
>>> $c->log->debug("no change id");
>>> }
>>> }
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