[Dbix-class] Loader and relationships

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sun Jan 15 22:40:55 CET 2006

On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 01:35:28PM +1300, Dan Horne wrote:
> Although I do use mod_perl, I tend to use PersistentPerl/SpeedyCGI more for
> my persistent environment. How would I use DBIx::Class:Loader since I don't
> have a startup script? (I use CGI::Application for my web development).

If you turn debug on, Loader should output the methods it's running - if you
dump that into a file that gets loaded by your CGI::Application script that
should do the trick.
> How are relationships used with DBIx::Class? I realise that I can define
> them explicitly - and I hope implicitly with Loader - but one they're
> defined how do I use them in my queries?

Have a look at the examples in the cookbook and the join and relationship
tests, plus the docs for DBIx::Class::ResultSet

> Finally, the main POD states: "This project is still at an early stage, so
> the maintainers don't make any absolute promise that full
> backwards-compatibility will be supported; however, if we can without
> compromising the improvements we're trying to make, we will, and any
> non-compatible changes will merit a full justification on the mailing list
> and a CPAN developer release for people to test against." Is this production
> ready? I'd hate to use it, and then find that there has been a huge redesign
> which breaks my code.

We're using it in production, as are a substantial number of other people;
I don't see it saying "huge redesigns will happen on a regular basis" anywhere
in that POD :)

That note is basically saying "if we realise we screwed up on the design of
something really badly, we may not be able to fully emulate the old behaviour
when it gets re-written". The only seriously compat-breaking change so far
was renaming retrieve to find, which happened for 0.02 if memory serves.

     Matt S Trout       Offering custom development, consultancy and support
  Technical Director    contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for more information

 + Help us build a better perl ORM: http://dbix-class.shadowcatsystems.co.uk/ +

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