[Dbix-class] foreigns keys, joins, am I doing something stupid?
Chisel Wright
chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
Thu Jan 12 12:12:48 CET 2006
I hit upon a problem with tring to use information in a secondary table
(joined my a foreign key).
I'm sure I'm doing something really dumg, but after looking at this for
some time I can't see what it is.
Below, I've copied in my schema (copied from MST's DBIx tests, and
stuffed into postgres), my test script, and the output.
I guess it boils down to is my schema wrong, or am I calling the search
$cds = Nipple::Model::NippleDB::Cd->search(
'artist.name' => 'We Are Goth',
Can someone tell me where my thinko is?
artistid integer NOT NULL,
name character varying
INSERT INTO artist VALUES (1, 'Caterwauler McCrae');
INSERT INTO artist VALUES (2, 'Random Boy Band');
INSERT INTO artist VALUES (3, 'We Are Goth');
cdid integer NOT NULL,
artist integer NOT NULL,
title character varying,
"year" character varying
INSERT INTO cd VALUES (1, 1, 'Spoonful of bees', '1999');
INSERT INTO cd VALUES (2, 1, 'Forkful of bees', '2001');
INSERT INTO cd VALUES (3, 1, 'Caterwaulin Blues', '1997');
INSERT INTO cd VALUES (4, 2, 'Generic Manufactured Singles', '2001');
INSERT INTO cd VALUES (5, 3, 'Come Be Depressed With Us', '1998');
nipple=> select * from artist; select * from cd;
artistid | name
1 | Caterwauler McCrae
2 | Random Boy Band
3 | We Are Goth
(3 rows)
cdid | artist | title | year
1 | 1 | Spoonful of bees | 1999
2 | 1 | Forkful of bees | 2001
3 | 1 | Caterwaulin Blues | 1997
4 | 2 | Generic Manufactured Singles | 2001
5 | 3 | Come Be Depressed With Us | 1998
(5 rows)
use Test::More tests => 4;
use_ok( Catalyst::Test, 'Nipple' );
my $cds;
# 1. get a cd by year
$cds = Nipple::Model::NippleDB::Cd->search(
year => 1998,
is ($cds->count(), 1, 'One CD found for 1998');
# 2. get a cd by artist name
$cds = Nipple::Model::NippleDB::Cd->search(
'artist.name' => 'We Are Goth',
is ($cds->count(), 1, 'One CD found for "We Are Goth"');
chisel at ferrari Nipple $ perl -Ilib t/model_NippleDB-Cd.t
** snip catalyst output **
ok 1 - use Catalyst::Test;
ok 2 - use Nipple::Model::NippleDB::Cd;
ok 3 - One CD found for 1998
NOTICE: adding missing FROM-clause entry for table "artist"
not ok 4 - One CD found for "We Are Goth"
# Failed test 'One CD found for "We Are Goth"'
# in t/model_NippleDB-Cd.t at line 19.
# got: '5'
# expected: '1'
Chisel Wright
e: chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
w: http://www.herlpacker.co.uk/
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