[Dbix-class] Newbie to ORM and DBIx (pls help)

Lee Standen nom at standen.id.au
Thu Aug 3 16:43:56 CEST 2006

Personally, I find it's easier to use DBIx::Class for the little things 
too... most of the work is just in creating the class, but once it's 
created things are so easy.

Take this, for example:

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM table");

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
 	# Do stuff
 	$dbh->do("UPDATE table SET somecol=? WHERE someothercol=?",
 		$var1, $var2);B

#### Boring :(

Now this...

my $rs = $schema->resultset('table')->search;
while (my $row = $rs->next) {
 	# Do stuff

Now, i'm pretty drunk now, and i was able to write the second one without 
correcting typo's...the first one i had to keep going back :D  That's 
gotta be some indication!

On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Anthony Gardner wrote:

> Thank you for that gentlemen. I had a play with it last night and got it working but the main thing is ..... I understand how it's working.
> As with everything new, is there a time to use it and a time to just use DBI (for example)?
> Is ORM only useful for large projects or would you recommend trying to fit it in to everything you do with a DB?
> David Kamholz <davekam at pobox.com> wrote: Unless there is some compelling reason to do otherwise, you should
> make the primary key of school_attendees PRIMARY KEY (attendee_id,
> school_id). But this is a minor issue, DBIx::Class doesn't really
> care as long as the classes are in sync with the database.
> Anyway, here's probably what you should be doing:
> package DB::MyTestSchema::SchoolAttendee;
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( school => 'DB::MyTestSchema::School',
> 'school_id' )
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( student  => 'DB::MyTestSchema::Student',
> 'attendee_id' );
> package DB::MyTestSchema::Student;
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( school_attendees =>
> 'DB::MyTestSchema::SchoolAttendee', 'attendee_id' );
> __PACKAGE__->many_to_many( schools => 'school_attendees', 'school' );
> package DB::MyTestSchema::School;
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( school_attendees =>
> 'DB::MyTestSchema::SchoolAttendee', 'school_id' );
> __PACKAGE__->many_to_many( students => 'school_attendees', 'student' );
> Dave
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