[Dbix-class] Is there a way to a full-text MATCH (cols) AGAINST(%s) SORTED
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Tue Aug 1 19:43:08 CEST 2006
Alan Hicks wrote:
> Hi,
> Though I would share my solution to using DBIx with a mysql FULL-TEXT
> database.
> Create the table
> CREATE TABLE articles (
> title VARCHAR(200),
> body TEXT,
> FULLTEXT (title,body)
> );
> Add some records
> INSERT INTO articles (title,body) VALUES
> ('MySQL Tutorial','DBMS stands for DataBase ...'),
> ('How To Use MySQL Well','After you went through a ...'),
> ('Optimizing MySQL','In this tutorial we will show ...'),
> ('1001 MySQL Tricks','1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ...'),
> ('MySQL vs. YourSQL','In the following database comparison ...'),
> ('MySQL Security','When configured properly, MySQL ...');
> Select the records using mysql
> SELECT * FROM articles
> WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('database');
> +----+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
> | id | title | body |
> +----+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
> | 5 | MySQL vs. YourSQL | In the following database comparison ... |
> | 1 | MySQL Tutorial | DBMS stands for DataBase ... |
> +----+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
> Create the DBIx::Class::Schema class
> package MyDatabase::Main::Articles;
> use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
> __PACKAGE__->table('articles');
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/ title body /);
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('title');
> 1;
> Get a resultset from a search
> my ($match, $against);
> $against = $c->req->param('search');
> $against =~ tr/'/''/; #needed as DBIx does not escape our literals
> $match = 'MATCH (title, body) AGAINST (' . $against . ')';
> my $rs = $schema->resultset('Articles')->search(undef, {where => $match});
> Enjoy,
> Alan
I suspect one could also do the same using ResultSetManager...(rough
suedo code)...
package MyDatabase::Main::Articles;
sub search_matches {
my $self = shift;
my $cond = shift;
my $attrs = shift || {};
...magick to get -or stuffs into MATCH in $cond...
$self->search($cond, $attrs);
-or => {
title => 'foo',
body => 'foo'
Having not used either ResultSetManager, or MATCH/AGAINST, this is
purely thought speculation...
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