[Dbix-class] "Alias" schema option
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Tue Apr 4 01:43:34 CEST 2006
Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> While working on the Handel conversion to DBIC, I've come across the
> need to have my resultsets always be "Carts" and "Items" regardless of
> what the actual packages are named.
> For now, I've simply created a register_cart_classes() method that calls
> register_class and sets the appropriate generic $monkier. Unfortunately,
> that means I can't use load_classes() and whatever magic it may contain.
> Would there be any interest in adding something to ResultSource:
> package My::Schema::Foo;
> __PACKAGE__->table('foo');
> __PACKAGE__->alias('Cart')
> # or
> __PACKAGE__->moniker('Cart');
> Then, after load_classes and connect(), we have:
> $schema->resultset('Cart')...
> instead of:
> $schema->resultset('Foo')...
> -=Chris
Upon some direction from mst, I've started working on this.
The initial plan was to change $resultsource->name to
$resultsource->table_name, then use $resultsource->name like so:
package MySchema::MyTable;
# later in in the schema...
After getting so far, it became apparent that more than a few things use
$resultsource->name, including but not limited to:
> lib\DBIx\Class\ResultSet.pm(301): "Unknown key $attrs->{key} on '" . $self->result_source->name . "'"
> lib\DBIx\Class\ResultSet.pm(1221): "search_related: result source '" . $self->result_source->name .
> lib\DBIx\Class\ResultSource.pm(265): $self->throw_exception("No such column $col on table " . $self->name)
> lib\DBIx\Class\ResultSource.pm(301): $self->throw_exception("No such column $col on table " . $self->name)
> lib\DBIx\Class\ResultSource.pm(647): $self->throw_exception( $self->name . " has no such relationship '$pre'" )
> lib\DBIx\Class\CDBICompat\LazyLoading.pm(32): $self->result_source->name, \@want,
> lib\DBIx\Class\Storage\DBI\Oracle.pm(34): $sth->execute( uc($source->name) );
> lib\DBIx\Class\Storage\DBI\Oracle.pm(38): croak "Unable to find a sequence INSERT trigger on table '" . $source->name . "'.";
> lib\DBIx\Class\Storage\DBI\Pg.pm(21): my ($schema,$table) = $source->name =~ /^(.+)\.(.+)$/ ? ($1,$2)
> lib\DBIx\Class\Storage\DBI\Pg.pm(22): : (undef,$source->name);
> lib\SQL\Translator\Parser\DBIx\Class.pm(53): name => $source->name,
> lib\SQL\Translator\Parser\DBIx\Class.pm(93): my $rel_table = $source->related_source($rel)->name;
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(71): my $tname = $table->name;
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(85): { { $_->name => {
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(86): name => $_->name,
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(113): my @pk = map { $_->name } ($pk->fields);
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(124): # $cont->fields->[0]->name . "', '" .
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(127): $tableextras{$table->name} .= "\n__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('" .
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(128): $cont->fields->[0]->name . "', '" .
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(132): "get_" . $table->name. "', '" .
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(133): "${dbixschema}::" . $table->name. "', '" .
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(134): $cont->fields->[0]->name . "');";
> lib\SQL\Translator\Producer\DBIx\Class\File.pm(139): $tableoutput{$table->name} .= $output;
So, the question now becomes, what does everything think?
Should we leave ->name alone, and make something new like
result_source_name(), or do we forge ahead with changing the meaning of
what ->name() returns?
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