[Dbix-class] Patch for inject_base

Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko simonf at cshl.edu
Thu Dec 1 01:24:29 CET 2005


I've found that when for some reason the same class is passed twice to 
the hierarchy, Class::C3 complains. To fix this, I suggest the following 

--- lib/DBIx/Class/Componentised.pm     2005-11-26 18:26:14.000000000 -0500
+++ /opt/software/perl/lib/DBIx/Class/Componentised.pm  2005-11-30 
18:46:11.000000000 -0500
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
    my ($class, $target, @to_inject) = @_;
      no strict 'refs';
-    unshift(@{"${target}::ISA"}, grep { $target ne $_ } @to_inject);
+    my %isa = map {$_=>1} @{"${target}::ISA"};
+    unshift(@{"${target}::ISA"}, grep { $target ne $_ && !$isa{$_}} 
    my $table = { Class::C3::_dump_MRO_table };
    eval "package $target; import Class::C3;" unless exists 



Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko)   simonf at cshl.edu

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		         Henri Bergson

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