[Poop-group] Re: [Dbix-class] Selecting Mixins with MI

John Siracusa siracusa at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:03:37 CEST 2005

On 8/1/05 2:37 AM, Sam Vilain wrote:
> Personally I prefer the terms;
>    - Storage Objects, or Database Objects
>        for objects that are built around the Database structure, such as
>        Class::DBI, Alzabo, DBIx::SearchBuilder, SPOPS, etc.
>    - Object Persistence
>        for orthogonal systems that don't touch the objects they are
>        storing in any way, except perhaps via magic references.  This
>        includes Pixie and Tangram.
> I think "Object Relational Mapping" does not imply either of these; an
> Object/Relational mapper could work in either direction and is a good
> blanket term to describe both.

I can get behind that.  At least dbi-orm at perl.org doesn't have "poop" in the
the name :)  Aside from looking silly, how many people know what "poop"
stands for?  Maybe "orm" is similarly obscure, but at least "dbi" is in
there, giving a hint.


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