When I try<br><br>$c->path_to(qw/root customers signup.tt2/)<br><br>there is no Catalyst error message anymore. <br>Just a TT one: "Not a GLOB reference at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7/Template/Provider.pm line 647."
<br><br>I didn't try what John recommended since I want to keep my form descriptions and tt-templates in different dirs.<br> Instead tried <br><br>template: <br>         type: TT2<br>         template: __path_to(root src customers signup.tt2
)__<br>         engine: <br>                 include_path: __path_to(root src)__<br>                 INTERPOLATE: 1<br>                 ABSOLUTE: 1<br><br>but that didn't work.<br><br>John, I am can't even worry about the DB stuff right now ;)<br>Roy, sorry I meant to write I am using Catalyst::Plugin::FormBuilder