[Catalyst] Encrypt /Decrypt URI

Harshal Shah harshal.shah at gmail.com
Thu May 17 14:47:40 GMT 2007


I am trying to encrypt / decrypt all the paths used in my application

for encrypting , i simply overloaded uri_for method to return encrypted

however..I did not find any clean (simple) way to decrypt the same .

Heres what I am doing as of now..

sub prepare_path {

    ## overloading system method

    my $c =3D shift;

    $c->NEXT::prepare_path( @_ );

    ## define or get $crypt

    $c->{request}->{path} =3D $crypt->decrypt($c->req->path , "my secret
    $c->log->debug( "after prepare_path" . $c->req->path  );
    return $c;

    ## continue the request flow

I am basically overwriting $c->{request}->{path} variable...its dirty but it
works...I do not know if it works with Apache or any other engine..as I have
tested only with the test server.

it also works with inline arguments ..viz  /foo/arg1/arg2 ..I am not sure at
which point catalyst actually converts "arg1" and "arg2" into method
arguments ..

is there a better way to do this ??

-- =

Harshal Shah
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