[Catalyst] Shoot out -- Catalyst / RoR / Other MVC apps --

Christopher H. Laco claco at chrislaco.com
Wed May 9 13:56:10 GMT 2007

Jamie Neil wrote:
> RA Jones wrote:
>> Absolutely - I'm in exactly the same position, and am following almost
>> exactly the same process, except that I abandoned RoR early on and
>> decided to stick with Perl for the re-write. Catalyst was an entirely
>> new concept to me, having progressed from a long-list-of-if-elsif-else
>> type scripting -> CGI::Application -> Catalyst/DBIC and found, and am
>> still finding, it hard going. The Tutorial was a massive help, without
>> which I'm pretty sure I could not have even got off the ground, and so
>> is the Catalyst & DBIC mailing lists, but would also find an article
>> on next-step development and best practices extremely useful. Count
>> this as a vote in favour.
> =

> What he said :)
> =

> I've spent the last week or so trying to distill out the essence of how
> other people have done it (Handel and C::M::DBIC::Schema mostly), but
> the amount of unfamiliar modules and coding techniques is making my
> brain hurt.
> =

Handel? Well there's your problem... :-)

I'd love to write about how I've done things in Mango...if I only could
make myself have the time to do it. To be honest, the
outside-core-as-model didn't really become really clear to me until I
stuffed Handel::Cart into Mango as a Catalyst Model.

The best approach for me has been what mst has said before. Make your
core stuff usable outside of the work of Catalyst. Seems like a no
brainer, but when you're just learning Cat and following examples, it's
easy to forget.

For a quick example of how it's done in Mango:

	Handel::Cart - seperate app that does cart magic
	Mango::Provider::Carts - responsible for cart CRUD API in Mango
	Mango::Catalyst::Model::Carts - wraps above in Model instance
	MyApp::Model::Carts (isa Mango::Catalyst::Model::Carts)

For non-Handel things in Mango...it's just the last ones:

	Mango::Provider::Users - responsible for user CRUD API in Mango
	Mango::Catalyst::Model::Users - wraps above in Model instance
	MyApp::Model::Users (isa Mango::Catalyst::Model::Users)

The main theme being...the models are just DB thingies...they're
completely usable outside core classes (domains/business logic, etc)...


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