[Catalyst] Adding DBIC schema causes TT error

Charlie Garrison garrison at zeta.org.au
Wed Jun 20 22:20:20 GMT 2007

Good morning,

On 20/6/07 at 6:31 AM -0700, Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> wrote:

>What version of TT are you using?  Does it get fixed if you restart
>the dev server?

I *was* using 2.18. Yes, I have been restarting between tests.

>Not too old versions of TT had a problem that once an error was found
>in a template the template then always missing.  I don't see it
>mentioned in Changes but I suspect you need 2.19 if that's the problem
>you are hitting.

I saw recent messages in the archive regarding that (maybe from 
you). So I went looking for templates cached to disk. From what 
I can tell, templates will only be cached to disk if I set up my 
TT options accordingly, is that correct? So I should only be 
dealing with memory cache which should get cleared each time I 
restart the dev server.

Upgrading to TT 2.19 has not fixed my problem. If anyone else 
has suggestions I'd love to hear them. Development has ground to 
a halt here and I'm getting very anxious (deadlines and all that).


    Charlie Garrison  <garrison at zeta.org.au>
    PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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