[Catalyst] Re: template comparison

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Sun Oct 29 19:22:08 GMT 2006

On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:08:11 +0000, Matt wrote:

> Adam Sjøgren wrote:

>> How does HTML::Mason require mod_perl?

> It may now be fixed, but the way it worked out its dependencies had a
> tendency to result in it deciding to ask for mod_perl for no good
> reason if certain other things were missing.


> Either way though, that was only a Makefile.PL bug - even with the
> buggy version if you installed all the actual deps by hand Mason
> tested happily with no mod_perl.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation.

I just use the Debian- and Ubuntu-packages, so I never experienced any
such problems.

The conclusion is that there is/was a bug that would make it seem like
HTML::Mason required mod_perl, but it doesn't, right?

  Best regards,


 "Beware the Jabberwock my son!"                              Adam Sjøgren
                                                         asjo at koldfront.dk

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