[Catalyst] Announcing the Catalyst Charter and a new Core Team member

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Mon May 22 15:49:05 CEST 2006

+----[ Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> (19.May.2006
| The unanimously approved document can now be found in the
| primary Catalyst subversion repostiory (canonical URI
| http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst) as part of
| the Catalyst::Manual::DevelopmentProcess POD document, and
| can currently be viewed at
| http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/browser/trunk/Catalyst/lib/Catalyst/Manual/DevelopmentProcess.pod. 

The document mentions that there is a roadmap at

For a catalyst newcomer (me) this roadmap looks like
there's not much to add/fix to catalyst ... for milestone
5.71  the roadmap only says "minor improvements and bug
fixes for 5.7 release", while for milestone 5.8 it says
"Next major version of Catalyst" ... which doesn't say much
to me about what to expect out of this version. Of course I
get to know that there are 5 tickets open for this release
... but then I'm not a catalyst developer so looking at this
open issues doesn't tell me much.

Take the inkscape roadmap as an example
by looking at the roadmap one can quickly get an idea of
where inkscape stands, what is missing, when it will be
added, etc. Features projected for future milestones
are not cryptic and are commented so that end users 
have an idea of what is going on. 

But most important, after going over the roadmap, you get
the impression that the project knows where it stands and
where it wants to go. This, in the end, makes it easier for
volunteers and contributors to find their place in the
project and work more effectively towards the described

As I said a few weeks ago, I'm new to catalyst, so I can't
judge at all if this applies to this project. I'm still
finding my way around catalyst, its wiki, trac pages, etc.
so maybe this info is somewhere else and I've missed it.  So
just in case this causes the flames to raise I will put them
out in advance by saying that this is only the impression I
got after seeing the minimalist catalyst roadmap :)

The doc-to-do page is more in line with what I think the
roadmap should look like:


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