[Catalyst] Catalyst for (really) big applications

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Fri May 19 15:03:45 CEST 2006

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 02:37:51PM +0200, Marcello Romani wrote:
> You didn't quote the fact that my app had about 40/50 modules (not 
> counting external modules like Class::DBI, etc.).

Count of modules obviously does not indicate anything, but here's the
app's lib directory:

$ find lib -name \*.pm | wc -l

(and printing out %INC always gives me a jolt, and bad CPAN memories.)

ps aux:

root     15173  0.0  3.7  56596 38396 /usr/sbin/apache2
www-data 11931  0.0  4.9  68340 51124  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2
www-data 17229  0.0  4.9  68404 50648  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2
www-data 17385  0.0  4.6  65244 47568  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2

This just shows Linux::Smaps output, and totals them up (which is
mostly meaningless).

$ perl smaps.pl `pidof apache2`

           size:    65248K
            rss:    47568K
   shared_clean:     4604K
   shared_dirty:    18804K
  private_clean:        0K
  private_dirty:    24160K

           size:    68408K
            rss:    50648K
   shared_clean:     4536K
   shared_dirty:    18124K
  private_clean:        0K
  private_dirty:    27988K

           size:    68344K
            rss:    51124K
   shared_clean:     4748K
   shared_dirty:    18828K
  private_clean:        0K
  private_dirty:    27548K

           size:    56600K
            rss:    38396K
   shared_clean:     4472K
   shared_dirty:    18672K
  private_clean:        0K
  private_dirty:    15252K

           size:   258600K
            rss:   187736K
   shared_clean:    18360K
   shared_dirty:    74428K
  private_clean:        0K
  private_dirty:    94948K

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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