[Catalyst] Catalyst model, again
Sean Davis
sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Thu Jan 12 18:50:45 CET 2006
I have the following classes and ApacheAdmin::Model::DB is just for
connecting to the database--nothing unusual there. With the test script at
the bottom, I get the following error:
Cannot load ApacheAdmin::Model::User without a primary key (username) with a
non-null value or another unique key with at least one non-null value. at
test.pl line 9
If I remove the inheritance from Catalyst::Model, everything works fine.
It's not too big a deal in practice--I don't NEED the catalyst::model
inheritance--but I'm curious why this doesn't work.
package ApacheAdmin::Model::User;
use strict;
use ApacheAdmin::Model::Base;
our @ISA = qw(ApacheAdmin::Model::Base);
username => { type => 'varchar', not_null => 1 },
pass => { type => 'varchar' },
groupname => { type => 'varchar', length => 50 },
__PACKAGE__->meta->primary_key_columns([ 'username' ]);
groups => {
column_map => { username => 'username' },
foreign_class => 'ApacheAdmin::Model::Group',
map_class => 'ApacheAdmin::Model::UserGroupMap',
map_from => 'user',
map_to => 'group',
type => 'many to many',
package ApacheAdmin::Model::Base;
use strict;
use ApacheAdmin::Model::DB;
use Rose::DB::Object;
use Catalyst::Model;
our @ISA = qw(Catalyst::Model Rose::DB::Object);
sub init_db { my $db = ApacheAdmin::Model::DB->new();
$db->connect_option(AutoCommit => 0);
$db->connect_option(RaiseError => 1);
return $db; }
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use ApacheAdmin::Model::User;
my $user = ApacheAdmin::Model::User->new(username => 'doron');
print "";
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