[SPAM - FORGED HEADERS >> ] - Re: [Catalyst] which module helps to store session in tables usingcatalyst And Apache - Email found in subject

A. Pagaltzis pagaltzis at gmx.de
Fri Feb 10 11:40:35 CET 2006

* Raphael Kraus <rkraus at wildtechnology.net> [2006-02-10 07:35]:
>unless you're using some Ajax magic, the server has no way of
>telling when a browser is closed.

And then only if the planets are aligned just so: if Javascript
is disabled, or if the client goes offline intermittently, or the
browser crashes, or any number of other conditions, then the
server will never hear about it.

* Andreas Marienborg <omega at palle.net> [2006-02-10 09:25]:
>If you use State::Cookie, this can be achieved by setting
>cookie_expires to 0.
>the session itself wont be gone from the store though, but the
>cookie will be gone.
>Then you can use Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler (http://
>Catalyst/Plugin/Scheduler.pm) to perform cleanup every once in a

And make sure that you do expire the session on the server;
because you can tell the client to expire the cookie at some
particular time, but you don’t know if the client will actually
do that. Never trust the client.

See also

    Basic Cookie Management

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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