[Catalyst] problems installing

Dean Troyer dtroyer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 20:29:46 CET 2006

On 2/8/06, Sebastian Riedel <sri at oook.de> wrote:
> 08.02.2006 19:25 Christopher H. Laco:
> > Nathan, if you just want to tinker around, give this is try:
> > http://handelframework.com/downloads/CatInABox.tar.gz
> We should really put a big fat "Download" button on the frontpage
> (with a box icon)!

I've been muddling through this for the last couple of weeks and have
had similar experiences trying to get everything installed.  The core
deveopers don't really want to spend their time writing docs, but they
do need to communicate what is going on enough so they don't keep
getting pestered like this.  Where is this happening?  Is IRC logged
and archived anywhere?

Sebastian, please do put up a pointer on the wiki to CatInABox.  I
didn't find out about it until I'd been through the pain a couple of
times, and then it took a while to locate.  Don't forget this isn't a
trivial framework for those uf us who are new to it and not new to

BTW, CPANPLUS seemed to work much better for me on Solaris 10 than CPAN...

Along these same lines, a non-trivial sample app seems like it would
be extremely useful to point to for examples.  Is there something
currently out there that demonstrates the current best practices? 
(I've seen the wiki page, it feels a little out of date already).  I'd
really like to see something that include all of the major compnents
that people typically want:
authentication/authorization/ACL/CRUD/multiple views.  What do you all
consider to be the state-of-the-art for available source code?

While I don't have extreme amounts of time to burn, I am certainly
willing to help develop/update/maintain something that can be used as
a teaching tool as well as a testbed for new modules and ideas.



Dean Troyer
dtroyer at gmail.com

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