[Catalyst] Is it normal to have lots of trouble installing catalyst?

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Wed Feb 8 03:52:58 CET 2006

On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 10:24:35AM -0800, John Napiorkowski wrote:
> I'm just asking for people experiences trying to
> install catalyst.

Anyone on #catalyst yesterday probably could tell I was not very happy with the

I was trying to install on a reasonably clean Debian Stable machine
as non-root.  This was on a Dreamhost dedicated server, so it's not
exactly a fresh Perl installation.

Still ended up with:

    $ du -sh local
    22M     local

    $ find local -type f | wc -l 

    $ find local -name \*.pm | wc -l

How many of those are acutaly loaded by my application?  Not many, I

How many modules did I install?  I think this shows it:

    $ fgrep 'C<Module>' local/lib/perl/5.8.4/perllocal.pod  | wc -l

How many did I request:

    $  fgrep install .cpan/histfile | sort | uniq | wc -l

But a number of those were trying to get dependencies installed (see

I took a few tries actually -- after the first attempt I thought it
just couldn't be that hard, so I wiped the install dir and tried again
just to see if it was really that much of a PITA.

A few people told me that using the most current version of CPAN.pm
would help.  So, I started fresh and first upgraded CPAN.pm.  (I also
tried CPANPLUS but I don't have notes why I gave up on that right

The updated CPAN.pm didn't help.  The main problem was some modules
require PREFIX and Module::Install require install_base.  So I would
have to watch for errors, exit CPAN shell, edit .cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm
and start again.

Supposedly, Module::Build in CVS can now handle PREFIX.  Just hard to
imagine that something as mature as Perl needs something from CVS or
the latest version of CPAN just to install language extensions.

Took me half of the day if you include the chatting and whining on
IRC.  Made me really miss the Debian package system.

I asked for help on the Makemaker list:  "Sorry, PREFIX is not


You can see the suggestions I got, which I couldn't get to work.

What percent of Catalyst has binary extensions?  A few simple
tarballs would have made things much easier.

See if anyone can guess at what points I stopped for beer.

    $ fgrep install .cpan/histfile       
    install Catalyst
    install Catalyst
    install Text::SimpleTable
    install Catalyst
    install Catalyst
    install Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest
    install Catalyst::Plugin::FillInForm
    install Catalyst::Plugin::RequestToken
    install Catalyst::Plugin::RequestToken
    install Catalyst::Plugin::RequestToken
    force install Catalyst::Plugin::RequestToken
    install Data::UUID
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Session
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FileCache
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FileCache
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::CDBI
    install Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap
    install Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache
    install Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache
    install Rose::Object
    install Encode
    install DateTime::Format::Pg
    install DateTime::Format::Builder
    install DateTime::Format::Builder
    install DateTime::Format::Builder
    install DateTime::Format::Pg
    install DateTime::Format::Pg
    install File::MimeInfo
    install Class::DBI::Sweet
    install Data::Page
    install SQL::Abstract
    install Class::DBI::Sweet
    install Class::DBI::Sweet
    install Bottle::Opener
    install version
    install version
    install version
    install Class::DBI
    install Class::DBI::Sweet
    install Class::DBI::Sweet
    install Catalyst::View::TT
    install Catalyst::View::TT
    install DateTime
    install DateTime
    install DateTime
    install Template::Plugin::Class
    install Template::Plugin::Class
    install HTML::Tidy
    install HTML::Tidy
    install Catalyst::View::JSON

    $ history | grep apt-get
      218  sudo apt-get install postgresql-dev
      242  sudo apt-get install postgresql
      281  sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
      442  sudo apt-get install tidy libtidy-dev
      493  sudo apt-get install shared-mime-info

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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