[Catalyst] Catalyst::Plugin::SessionMessage

Luke Meyer luke at daeron.com
Mon Sep 5 10:08:52 CEST 2005

We had a brief discussion on #catalyst earlier (um... yesterday now), 
and this module is the result.  It's a service to facilitate passing 
data between requests, particularly to ease the POST -> redirect -> GET 
transition. Still a bit rough on the edges, no guarantees that 
everything works, documentation needs filling out, etc etc.  Basically I 
just want to solicit ideas and comments, and see if anyone else thinks 
this would be useful.  If there's a better place for this sort of thing, 
let me know.


 From the POD:
       If you've ever wanted to redirect the browser (say, from a POST to a
       GET) and have a message show up telling the user what just 
happened, or
       you just want to target some information to a particular request (or
       sequence of requests) rather than creating a session-wide 
setting, then
       this plugin is for you.

       This plugin provides tools to address issues like crosstalk 
(where mul-
       tiple browser windows making requests on the same site contend 
for the
       same session data), once-only display, and expiration of data.

       Why a whole module for something that could be achieved by just 
       ing values in the session?  Why a whole plugin that stuffs things in
       the session for you?

       Because if you don't give developers tools to do it right with ease,
       they'll do it wrong, in subtle and annoying ways.

       Problems this module is trying to solve:

       sending messages across requests
       sessions that don't notice deep changes
       multiple messages for the same event
       displaying a message once
       directing data to specific targets
       expiring data

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