[Catalyst] Catalyst::Plugin::FormValidator questions

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 11:38:11 CET 2005

John Wang wrote:
> On 11/18/05, *Jules Bean* <jules at jellybean.co.uk 
>     sub my_custom_constraint {
>         my $c = shift;
>       return sub {
>         ...
>       }
>     }


>     fieldname => my_custom_constrain($c)
> I tried that and couldn't get that to work. My understanding of DFV is 
> that it doesn't take variable parameters in the profile. The POD example 
> shows only constants being passed in the profile:
>   constraint_methods => {
>     email                        => email(),

I don't understand your misunderstanding ;-)

There's nothing magic about this syntax. 'email()' is not somehow being 
passed into DFV 'as a sub' or anything like that. 'email()' is a 
subroutine call, it is executed at this point in your Perl code, and 
whatever it returns is passed into DFV. So to design a DFV constraint, 
you should write a subroutine which returns a subref. (Exactly as you 

The subroutine can take whatever parameters you want it to take. You're 
the one that's calling it. The 'email()' example above is taking no 
parameters. My custom_constraint took one parameter, the context object 
which is then 'lexically captured' in the subref (more precisely, in the 
*closure*) that the subroutine returns.

If you still can't get it to work I'll try to knock up a minimal working 


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