[Catalyst] Scaffolding: Catalyst v. Rails

Joshua Keroes jkeroes at eli.net
Wed Nov 16 02:45:43 CET 2005

I'm comparing scaffolding between Rails and Catalyst. My goal is to  
have a simple CRUD interface to a database of network devices. Bonus  
points if it looks slick (like Maypole's default view).

Rails setup was easy:
	rails devices	
	ruby script/generate scaffold Device
	vi config/database.yml
	ruby script/server

And it looks boring but effective. It would be better if they  
supported mysql's enum().

Catalyst setup:
	catalyst.pl Devices
	cd Devices
	script/devices_create.pl model Devices CDBI dbi:mysql:dbname=devdev  
devdev devdev
	script/devices_create.pl view TT TT
	script/devices_create.pl controller Devices Scaffold CDBI::Devices

	vi lib/Devices/Model/Devices.pm
	# add to config():
		additional_base_classes => [qw/Class::DBI::AsForm  

	vi lib/Devices.pm
	# change 'use Catalyst qw/-Debug Simple::Static/;'
		use Catalyst qw/-Debug Simple::Static FormValidator/;


...and a blank page. No warnings, no complaints, but no HTML either.


1. Did I get the lib/Devices.pm base classes correct w.r.t. order?

2. How is capitalization w.r.t. devices_create.pl's arguments?

3. Is the model name supposed to be the same as the database table?  
(i.e. devices_create.pl model TableName ...) I've looked through much  
of the documentation but don't see where the table name is defined.  
I'd argue that this needs to be clearly documented in several places.  
grepping through the docs, this is glossed over when mentioned at  
all. Looks like undocumented magic to me.

4. What are the database conventions? (e.g. required columns,  
recommended columns, capitalization, type, and pluralization)


PS Need more info?

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