[Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst 5.49_04

Andy Grundman andy at hybridized.org
Thu Nov 10 04:59:52 CET 2005

The next (and we hope last!) release candidate for Catalyst 5.50 has 
been released.

If it's not yet on your local CPAN mirror, you can grab it here:

Here are the changes:

         - Made context, dispatcher, engine, request and response classes
         - Added $c->stack.
         - Fixed dispatcher to ignore unknown attributes.
         - Improved format of startup debug log.
         - Updated built in server to restart on win32. (Will Hawes)
         - Fixed streaming write from a filehandle to stop writing
           if the browser is closed.
         - Added $c->controller, $c->model and $c->view shortcuts.
         - Switched to Text::SimpleTable.

Also remember to upgrade to the latest Catalyst::Engine::Apache 
(0.99002) if you want to run under mod_perl.

This release will also require the following additional modules:
  HTTP::Body 0.4

As usual, please test!


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