[Catalyst] Re: Announcement - New Authen/Authz plugins

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Wed Nov 9 11:55:39 CET 2005

Sebastian Riedel wrote:
>> This makes seven plugins in use (or setup). Why can we just have
>> ->setup(Authentication) and the rest is in the config? 
>     my @auth    = qw/Authentication 
> Authentication::Credential::Password Authentication::Store::Htpasswd/;
>     my @session = qw/Session Session::State:Cookie 
> Session::Store::Memcached/;
>     __PACKAGE__->setup( @session, @auth );

True true.

But it would still be nice simply to have one plugin Authentication, and 
put the rest in your standard config hash.

authentication => { store => 'CDBI', credential => 'password' }

This is somewhat how CGISession works at present.


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