[Catalyst] MyApp::M::CDBI::MyView

Chisel Wright chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
Thu Jul 28 18:10:22 CEST 2005

Just experimenting with this for the first time - I'm sure I saw someone
mention that they've done this before.

psql> create view my_view as select * from my_table;

---- cut here ----
package MyApp::M::CDBI::MyView;
use strict;

---- cut here ----

running "scripts/myapp_test.pl /" gives me a warning that object method
"new" can't be located.

Adding __PACKAGE__->table('my_view') just complaings about the lack of
table() method for MyApp::M::CDBI::MyView

Has anyone done this already? Do I need to look into what Stupid Thing
I'm doing, or give up because CDBI doesn't work like that?

I'm googling and perldocing this, with no luck so far.

Chisel Wright
e: chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
w: http://www.herlpacker.co.uk/

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