[Catalyst] Sending TT'd email

Matthew Hodgson arathorn at theonering.net
Mon Jul 25 06:05:23 CEST 2005

Hi all,

Further to some chat on #catalyst today (and last month), I put together a 
very simple plugin for sending e-mail formatted using TT, which extends 
Catalyst::Plugin::Email and maintains its own Template instance & config 
(nothing to do with ::View::TT).

sri has pointed out however that:

<sri> guess i'd use subrequest to render a mail
* Arathorn nods
<Arathorn> yeah, i guess there isn't much difference between that and 
doing a $c->email(header => [...], body=> $c->subreq("/rendermail", { 
template=>'email/template.eml', foo=>'bar', ... }) );

and I've yet to decide whether there's any advantage to my plugin over 
that (which obviously allows you to use all the existing View::TT goodness 
with about the same level of syntactic sugar).

I'm enclosing a first draft of my module here anyway, just in case it's 
ever of use or interest to anyone in the future.  If anyone can think of a 
reason why it'd be useful to go into cpan, please say ;)



package Catalyst::Plugin::Email::TT;

use strict;
use base qw(Class::Data::Inheritable Catalyst::Plugin::Email);

use Template;

our $VERSION = '0.01';


=head1 NAME

Catalyst::Plugin::Email::TT - Send emails templated using Template Toolkit with 
Catalyst (subclasses Catalyst::Plugin::Email)


     package MyApp;

     use Catalyst 'Email::TT';

     # configure Email
     __PACKAGE__->config->{email} = [qw/SMTP smtp.arasphere.net/];

     # configure TT
     __PACKAGE__->config->{emailtt}->{DEBUG} = 'all';

     package MyApp::C::MyController;

         header => [
             From    => 'matthew at arasphere.net',
             To      => 'sri at cpan.org',
             Subject => 'Hello!'
         template => 'hello.eml',
         stash => { greeting => 'Hi',
                    name => 'Sebastian',
                    signoff => 'cheers,',
                    sender => 'Arathorn',


Send emails templated by Template Toolkit with Catalyst and L<Email::Send> and 

If you want to override TT config settings, you can do it there by setting C<< 
__PACKAGE__->config->{emailtt}->{OPTION} >> as shown in the synopsis. Of 
interest might be C<EVAL_PERL>, which is disabled by default, and 
C<LOAD_TEMPLATES>, which is set to use the provider.

=head2 METHODS

=head3 email


sub email {
     my $c = shift;
     my $email = $_[1] ? {@_} : $_[0];

     if (exists $email->{template}) {
         my $body;
         my $name = $email->{template};

         $c->log->debug(qq/Rendering template "$name"/) if $c->debug;
         unless (
                     %{ $email->{stash} }
             my $error = $c->template->error;
             $error = qq/Couldn't render template "$error"/;

         $email->{body} = $body;


=head3 setup


sub setup {
     my $self = shift;

     my $root   = $self->config->{root};
     $self->config->{emailtt} ||= {};
     my %config = (
         EVAL_PERL    => 0,
         INCLUDE_PATH => [ $root, "$root/base" ],
         %{ $self->config->{emailtt} }

     $self->template( Template->new( \%config ) );
     return $self->NEXT::setup(@_);

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Catalyst>, L<Catalyst::Plugin::Email>, L<Template::Toolkit>

=head1 AUTHOR

Matthew Hodgson, C<matthew at arasphere.net>


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.



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