[Catalyst] New Catalyst slogan

Sebastian Riedel sri at oook.de
Tue Dec 27 17:53:08 CET 2005

27.12.2005 17:25 A. Pagaltzis:
> Hahaha! Sorry about that. :-)
> To be fair, I thought of all the same things as you. The most
> problematic aspect, if anyone were honestly considering this
> slogan, is IMO indeed that it implies that Rails is the leader,
> and secondly, how desperate it sounds.
> But I decided against saying them and rolling with the joke
> instead, because I really hope Sebastian is mature and
> intelligent enough to know for himself that this would be a bad
> idea – if not, we have bigger problems than an offensive slogan!

Indeed just a joke, Catalyst is a whole different philosophy!


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