[Catalyst] New Catalyst slogan

David K Storrs dstorrs at dstorrs.com
Tue Dec 27 17:09:53 CET 2005

On Dec 27, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Sebastian Riedel wrote:

> 26.12.2005 22:45 Jesse Sheidlower:
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 01:34:16PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
>>>     Catalyst -- When you find yourself at the end of the Rails
>> I like that one :-)
> Me too! :)
> "Catalyst - there is a path at the end of the Rails!"

Well, at the risk of setting off another "get the stick outta yer  
bum, Dave!" thread:

- I like the joke.

- I think people not familiar with Rails won't get it and will either  
just be confused or will go out and research Rails to find out what  
it means--not that we mind, but why point out the competition?

- It's too antagonistic.

- It's too antagonistic of a specific opponent; it associates us with  
Rails (both for the good and the bad) in people's minds, instead of  
allowing us to be judged completely on our own merits.

- It could be read as an admission that Rails is the leader and we  
are trying to take market share from them.  After all, you don't  
measure yourself against the 10th place runner unless you're far back  
in the pack.


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