[Catalyst] "Best Practice" for validating form input

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Mon Aug 1 22:19:14 CEST 2005

I am a new user to Catalyst, but have done a few small projects using
CGI::Application.  In that framework, I tended to not map by URL to page but
used the runmode parameter coded into forms.  I am now beginning to see the
power of URL mapping and wondered what other folks are doing when a form is

In CGI::App, I typically had a form submit back to itself and them used
something like ->forward (an "internal redirect") to move to the next page
if the form validated.  Using URL mapping, one needs to do a real redirect.
I'm just curious what peoples' thoughts are on an idiom that works for
Catalyst, as the two-queries per page (one to collect data, and the second
to do a redirect after the data is validated) seems slightly tedious for
many cases.


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