OK, so I've done a little bit of editing on cookbook, and it's a fairly cumbersome job because:<br><br>a. It's one huge flat file<br><br>b. The order is in date of publication rather than by theme.<br><br>I propose to alter the cookbook so that there are separate sections,
e.g. Catalyst::Cookbook::View::RSS<br><br>Catalyst::Cookbook::View::TT<br><br>Catalyst::Cookbook::Deployment::FastCGI<br><br>Catalyst::Cookbook::Deployment::ModPerl<br><br>etc.<br><br>One advantage of this is that it's easier to add new stuff in a sensible place. The main maintenance headache would be keeping a suitable index in
Cookbook.pod<br><br>What do you think. Should I jdfi, or not. Votes please.<br><br>Kieren<br>